Health Research Area
Specimen Matrix
Biological Matrix
Environmental Matrix
Age Ranges of Participants
Type of HHEAR Lab Analysis
Project List
Project #: 2016-1407
Pediatric Inner-City Environmental Exposures at School and Home and Asthma Study
PI(s): Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, Boston Childrens Hospital
Lab Hub(s): Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub,Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2016-1431
Sex-Specific Omics Profiles Related to Toxicant Exposures in Children
PI(s): Wei Perng, PhD, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Michigan School of Public Health
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2016-1432
Micronutrient deficiencies, environmental exposures and severe malaria: Risk factors for adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in Ugandan children
PI(s): Chandy C. John, MD, Indiana University School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory,Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2016-1438
Internal Metabolomic Biomarker Exposome and Developmental Disorders (IMBEDD)
PI(s): Rebecca J. Schmidt, PhD, University of California Davis
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory
Project #: 2017-2121
The Dynamics of Exposure, Phthalates and Asthma in a Randomized Trial (DEPART)
PI(s): Catherine Karr, MD, PhD, University of Washington
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub,Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2017-1977
Microbial and metabolic variations mediate the influence of childhood and adolescent EDC and trace element exposure on breast density.
PI(s): Karin Michels, PhD, University of California Los Angeles
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory,Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2017-1762
Biological Responses to Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Ill Children: Inflammatory Processes and Oral Metabolomic Profiles
PI(s): Melinda Mahabee-Gittens, MD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory,Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2017-1593
Role of environmental toxicants in modulating disease severity in children with NAFLD
PI(s): Ajay Jain, MD, Saint Louis University
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory
Project #: 2017-1967
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluroalkyl Substances (PFAS), Protein Biomarkers, Adiposity and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in a 3-year Cohort of Low-Income Latino Children with Overweight and Obesity from the Stanford GOALS Randomized Controlled Trial
PI(s): Thomas Robinson, MD, MPH, Stanford University
Lab Hub(s): Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2017-1729
Air Pollution, Placenta Function, and Birth Outcomes in Los Angeles
PI(s): Beate Ritz, MD, PhD, University of California Los Angeles
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory
Project #: 2017-1945
Maternal and Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors (MADRES)
PI(s): Carrie Breton, ScD, University of Southern California
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2017-1598
Evaluation of Environmental Exposures in TEDDY
PI(s): Jefferey Krischer, PhD, University of South Florida
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2018-2539
Perfluoroalkyl substances and lipid composition in human milk
PI(s): Megan Romano, PhD., Geisel Dartmouth School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub,Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2018-2532
Environmental Toxins in Early Life: Shaping Health and Disease in Childhood
PI(s): Jessica Lasky-Su, ScD, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Project #: 2016-1449
Environmental phenols and pesticide levels in relationship to autism
PI(s): Deborah Bennett, PhD, University of California Davis
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory
Project #: 2018-2517_ 2020-3131
Childhood Exposures, Epigenetic and Transcriptomic Responses in the Syracuse Lead Study
PI(s): Kestutis Bendinskas, PhD, SUNY Oswego
Lab Hub(s): Wadsworth Center's Children's Health Exposure Assessment Resource (WCCHEAR)
Project #: 2016-1448
Metabolomics Linking Air Pollution, Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
PI(s): Frank Gilliland, MD, University of Southern California
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory
Project #: 2017-1982
Domestic Indoor PM and Childhood Asthma Morbidity (DISCOVER Study)
PI(s): Lesliam Quiros-Alcala, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2018-2273
First Trimester Exposures: Influence on Birth Outcomes and Markers of Biological Response
PI(s): Jaclyn Goodrich, PhD, University of Michigan School of Public Health
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2018-1599
Pesticides, Perfluorinated compounds and the development of adolescents in agricultural communities.
PI(s): Jose Ricardo Suarez, MD, PhD, University of California San Diego
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory,Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2016-1450
Denver Asthma Panel Study-CHEAR Ancillary Study
PI(s): Andrew Liu, MD, Children's Hospital Colorado
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory,Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2016-1534
A Nested Case-Control Study of Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates and Psychosocial Stress: Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and the Mediating Role of Placental Function
PI(s): Pam Factor-Litvak, PhD, Columbia University
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2016-34
Relating Metals Exposure to Birth and Early Childhood Outcomes via the Metabotype of Cord Blood
PI(s): David Christiani, MD, MPH, Harvard School of Public Health
Lab Hub(s): RTI CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2016-1461
ECHO ReCHARGE Study - Environmental Exposures
PI(s): Irva Hertz-Picciotto, PhD, University of California Davis
Lab Hub(s): Wadsworth Center's Children's Health Exposure Assessment Resource (WCCHEAR)
Project #: 2016-1523
Validation of Detailed Maternal Cigarette Smoke Exposure Self Reporting by Cotinine Analysis
PI(s): Margaret Karagas, PhD, Geisel Dartmouth School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2018-2254
Exposure to metals in pregnant women and the impact on fetal development and birth outcomes in Suriname
PI(s): Maureen Lichtveld, MD, MPH, Tulane University
Lab Hub(s): RTI CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub,Wadsworth HHEAR Targeted Analysis Laboratory
Project #: 2017-1740
Mitochondrial DNA biomarkers of prenatal metal mixture exposure: intergenerational inheritance and infant growth
PI(s): Andres Cardenas, PhD, Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2018-2537
Phthalates and childhood obesity in a racially, ethnically and geographically diverse cohort.
PI(s): Kelly Hunt, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2017-1839
Zika Virus Congenital Health Outcomes and the Impact of Maternal Environmental Exposures
PI(s): Michael Welton, PhD, University of Georgia;
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai CHEAR Network Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2017-1962
SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth (SEARCH)
PI(s): Elizabeth Jensen, PhD, Wake Forest School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory
Project #: 2017-1863
Investigating Overweight/Obesity and Poor Diet as Susceptibility Factors for Secondhand Smoke in Childhood Asthma
PI(s): Meredith McCormack, MD, Johns Hopkins University
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub,Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2018-2512
The Role of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors on the Health of Inner City Children
PI(s): Lesliam Quiros-Alcala, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Lab Hub(s): M-CHEAR: Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub
Project #: 2020-00496
Environmental links to immune disruption and chronic disease
PI(s): Peggy Reynolds, PhD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2018-2120
The impact of tobacco smoke exposure and environmental exposures on the pulmonary microbiome and outcomes of critically ill children
PI(s): Peter Mourani, MD, University of Colorado Denver
Lab Hub(s): The National Exposure Assessment Laboratory at Emory,Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub
Project #: 2020-00838
Endocrine Disrupting Compound Exposures in High-Risk Children and Asthma-related Health Outcomes
PI(s): Medina Jackson-Browne, PhD, Boston Childrens Hospital
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Untargeted Lab Hub,Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2021-01123
Repeated urinary VOC and PAH metabolites during pregnancy in the context of the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study.
PI(s): Alison Lee, MD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): Minnesota HHEAR Targeted Analysis Laboratory,North Carolina HHEAR Untargeted Analysis Laboratory
Project #: 2021-00862
Exposure to household dust toxins, urinary biomarkers and childhood lung function
PI(s): Maria Jose Rosa, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): Duke HHEAR Environmental Analysis Laboratory,Minnesota HHEAR Targeted Analysis Laboratory
Project #: 2023-01553
Maternal urinary fluoride exposure and behavioral outcomes in children
PI(s): Susan Schantz, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Project #: 2022-01361
The role of longitudinal phthalate and phenol exposures on children’s neurodevelopment and adiposity.
PI(s): Stephanie Engel, UNC Chapel Hill
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2020-00815
SELF Plasma Untargeted Metabolomics and Urinary Phenol (Core) and Phthalate Analytes
PI(s): Ganesa Wegienka, PhD, Henry Ford Health System
Lab Hub(s): Minnesota CHEAR Exposure Assessment Hub,Mount Sinai HHEAR Untargeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2021-01026
Association of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with ectopic fat in South Asians
PI(s): Michele La Merrill, PhD, MPH, University of California Davis
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2021-00987
Longitudinal analysis of environmental exposures in pregnancy
PI(s): Melissa Suter, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Untargeted Lab Hub,Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2021-01010
PFAS exposures and risk of bladder, kidney and pancreatic cancer in the Multiethnic Cohort
PI(s): Loic Le Marchand, MD, PhD, University of Hawaii
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Untargeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2021-01103
A prospective study of per- and poly-fluorinated substances (PFAS) and risk of pancreatic cancer in the NYU Women's Health Study
PI(s): Fen Wu, PhD, NYU School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2022-01367
Exploring associations between biomarkers of environmental chemical exposure and rheumatic disease outcomes within a predominately African American Lupus cohort
PI(s): John Pearce, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina
Project #: 2022-01431
Assessment of childhood exposure to flame retardants (FRs), phthalates, pesticides, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) via handwipes
PI(s): Kathryn Crawford, Dr. , Middlebury College
Project #: 2022-01432
METabolome-wide Association Study of the of Asian Women and their Offspring’s Development and Environmental Exposures (META SAWASDEE)
PI(s): Donghai Liang, Emory University School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub,North Carolina HHEAR Untargeted Analysis Laboratory
Project #: 2022-01504
The Role of Rare Earth Elements Exposure and the Risk for Clinical and Subclinical Cardiometabolic Outcomes
PI(s): Katherine James, PhD, University of Colorado Denver
Project #: 2020-00487
Environmental Exposure and Breast Cancer Outcomes across the Spectrum of Absolute Breast Cancer Risk
PI(s): Mary Beth Terry, PhD, Mailman School of Public Health Columbia University
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2020-00835
Perinatal exposure to household dust toxins on child respiratory outcomes
PI(s): Sonali Bose, MD, MPH, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Lab Hub(s): Duke HHEAR Environmental Analysis Laboratory
Project #: 2020-00606
Environmental exposure driven myosteatosis and associated metabolic disease
PI(s): Iva Miljkovic, MD, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Lab Hub(s): Wadsworth Center's Children's Health Exposure Assessment Resource (WCCHEAR)
Project #: 2020-00652
Early environmental determinants of child lung health in a South African birth cohort study.
PI(s): Heather Zar, MD, PhD, University of Cape Town
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub
Project #: 2020-00605
Role of environmental toxicants in obesity-related cardiovascular disease
PI(s): Noyan Gokce, MD, Boston Medical Center
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Untargeted Lab Hub,Wadsworth HHEAR Targeted Analysis Laboratory
Project #: 2020-00500
The role of PFAS exposures in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the Multiethnic Cohort
PI(s): Veronica Setiawan, PhD, University of Southern California
Lab Hub(s): Mount Sinai HHEAR Targeted Lab Hub