HHEAR Data Center

In 2019 the Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) Data Center at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai was established by NIEHS as a continuation of the CHEAR Data Center expanding to include health outcomes at all ages. The goal is to provide approved HHEAR investigators their laboratory analysis results and incorporate them in statistical analyses of their study data. We then make that data publicly available as a means to improve our knowledge of the comprehensive effects of environmental exposures on human health throughout the life course.

The HHEAR Data Center goals are to catalyze new scientific insight from the colocation, integration and advanced statistical and data science analysis of multimodal data sets.

We will provide:

  • A data repository for storing epidemiologic and biomarker data for CHEAR and HHEAR research studies
  • Publicly available deidentified datasets downloadable for external users
  • A publicly accessible HHEAR ontology that provides a common vocabulary with unambiguous definitions of concepts and variables across studies to allow for pooling of studies

Note:Categories are not mutually exclusive. HHEAR studies may have more than one health outcome

Current Data Center Statistics

  • Number of
  • Studies


  • Number of Specimens
  • Analyzed


  • Number of
  • Subjects


  • Number of
  • Chemicals Targeted


Note: Categories are not mutually exclusive. HHEAR studies may have more than one Chemical Group